Welcome To The Community!

Hello everyone!

This is Odogoo, and we at TeamAONN are happy to announce TeamAONN Community. This is an extension of our official website TeamAONN.Com. We had a number of in the wanting to make this. First, and foremost, is our continuing goal for community, and connecting with all the fangirls, fanboys, and others out there.

With this community expansion, we will be able to allow both our affiliates, and teammates more control over the content that is posted on the website for them. It will allow them to update their sections on their own time, which will allow more content available to our site visitors. It will also allow for a quicker, more streamlined look to updates thanks to the wordpress engine.

Building the site will take time, and you will see item’s start to migrate from our parent site as we embrace the wordpress site builder. We appreciate everyone’s support and patience as we strive to make this expansion work. As always, this is Odogoo, telling you to please enjoy your fandom!

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