Blood Ties: Chapter 3 – Welcome, Welcome

After finding Odin, Terah and two Gods get the surprise of their lives when they find Thor ends up in Sakarr but ends up meeting some new faces and one in particular that he wishes that he didn’t. And also spends a little time bonding with his niece, even if it is not the best of times right now to do so.

Written by: Kuro Bakura
Originally posted on AO3

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4

Thor woke up after being knocked unconscious by Hela during the battle. He could not remember much after Hela kicked him out of the Bifrost and up until now. Hela was definitely in Asgard by now, possibility destroying everything in sight. Even if he had his hammer, he would not be able to defeat her. Thor stood up on his feet and looked around him. Just like Loki, it did not take too long to figure out where he was at now. Not to mention that Thor was in the same stop where Loki and Terah landed earlier.

“Sakkar…well..shit.” Thor thought to himself as he started walk around the dump, trying to see if he could see any dwellings or people…or just even something. It looked like nothing but a mechanic wasteland for miles and miles. Suddenly, he heard a noise in the background. Thor turned around and saw a ship floating in the air towards him. It landed a bit of a distance away and the door of a ship opened but the ship was still close to him. It really was not much of a big ship but it was a pretty good size. Several people in strange looking outfits walked out of the ship and stood there, looking at Thor. He was not sure what kind of group they were but he was going to try to proceed them with caution.

“I think I am starting to turn into Terah because I feel like give them some pointers about their outfits all of a sudden. Well…at least I am not being dishonest about it.” Thor thought to himself. Thor just stood there, not saying a word.

“Who are you?” One of them asked Thor. It was a male voice. Thor gave them a reply but whatever he said…it did not settle well with the group. They started to attack. Thor tried to call his hammer but then remembered that Hela broke it apart. He punched one of them but got attacked from behind by another member. His cape was torn in half when he pulled away. Before he could even throw another punch, everyone turned to look as they saw another small ship landing. The top of it opened and there stood a young woman, holding a bottle as she suddenly called out to all of them. She took a drink of it and tossed onto the ground beside the ship. Thor was not sure if she was a part of their crew or just another person who lives on Sakarr.

“He’s mine.” She said to the group, hinting that she was talking about the Thor. As she walked, Thor could tell that she was drunk and most likely what was in that bottle was potent alcohol. The young woman ended up falling off the stars but still was able to get up again and stand in front of her ship, The group was ready to attack. Thor just stood there, not sure if she was going to. The young lady had trouble working her bracelets but when she got them working once again, lasers began shooting from her ship and hitting everyone and basically everything in sight…except Thor. He smiled and walked towards to thank her but…she was not as sparing as he thought she was going to be.

She threw an small object that attached itself to the side of Thor’s neck. Thor saw her holding something in her hand. It looked like a tiny box with a button on it. And with just on click, an electric shock ran throughout his entire body and fell to the group, starting to fall unconscious once again. The last thing Thor could see before he blacked out was the woman dragging him to her ship and looking back at him but that’s all he saw before finally blacking out.

“I think he misunderstood what I meant by “mine”.” The young woman thought to herself as she picked uo and began dragging him to her ship

It did not last long before he woke up a few minutes later in the very bottom of her ship. Thor looked up, still feeling a bit groggy from the shock. He saw the young woman flying the ship, focusing on what was in front of her.

“Who are you?” Thor asked her. She did not reply nor even looked down. Thor began to feel irritated…for multiple reasons, of course.

“Hey! I asked you a question!” Thor exclaimed. Still…she did not answer him nor looked down. He banged his fist on the glass, causing it to slightly crack.

“I am Thor, Son of Odin, God of Thunder and you will answer me!” Thor shouted. The woman looked down at him with a smirk on her faces me held up her arm with the device in her hand that she used only a bit ag on him.

“Sorry, your Majesty.” She replied to him before pressing the button, causing his body to react once again and fall back into unconsciousness until they arrived to where she was taking him. All that was Thor’s mind besides a few things was wondering where Terah was at. Even if he just only found out that she was his niece, he still worried about her. For multiple reasons. But for now, he needed to figure out what exactly the hell is going on here and who is this person that was kidnapping him.

A little bit later, Thor suddenly woke up as he heard a clicking noise. He tried to move but found out he was stuck and basically strapped to the seat he was sitting in. By his wrists and ankles with straps across his chest in the form of an “x”. Suddenly, the chair began slowly moving down the archways a lights began to turned on with a voice talking to him, explaining about Sakkar.

“What the fuck is wrong with this planet? Could it even get any worse than it already is right now?” Thor asked himself, feeling slightly creeped out and confused at the same time and whatever it was that was going on, he just wanted it to end as soon as possible. It was just as creepy as it was annoying. Towards the end, Thor had a slight freak out but quickly calmed down as he realized that it was all over, which now left him even more confused about this whole this. Not to mention that he was more worried about Terah than before. As for him being worried about Loki…that was not going to happen very soon.cHe looked around but got spooked when he heard a voice suddenly speak up. The man was older with blue paint and make up on his face.

The woman from before walked into the room and over to the Grand Master.

“Is this who you spoke to me abou?!” He asked her. She nodded back to him. The older man walked over to Thor and began to check him out. This was starting to irritate the God.

“What are you doing?” Thor asked him.

“Inspecting you. By the way, you really have a nice much as I can see of it at the. Mo” He said back to him. Thor squirmed a bit. Not because of the nice ass but because he was being “inspected”. Thor was not against another man touching him that but…he just did not want to this creep to even be near him, After he finished, the man walked over back to her.

“How much do you want for him?” He asked her. Thor’s eyes widened.

“EXCUSE ME?!” Thor exclaimed. The older man and young woman ignored him.

“10 million units.” She replied, ignoring Thor. Thor was reaching his breaking point. He wanted answers and he wanted them now and it did not matter which of them answered them.

“JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! I AM NOT FOR SALE!” Thor shouted, getting angrier but the second. The Man looked at him then back at her with a grin.

“He’s perfect. You got a deal.” The older man said to her. Thor just wanted to One of his assistants pressed a button on their armband and instantly wired the money to her within just a few seconds. The young lady thanked him then walked her way over to the exit. Thor glared at her as she walked past him.

“You will pay for this.” Thor said to her, practically gritting through his teeth.

“No, I just got paid for this.” She said before finally leaving the room. Thor turned his head back, looking at the older man.

“Why am I here and what was that all about?” Thor asked.

“I just bought you. Isn’t that obvious?” He replied to Thor.

“Bought me for what?” Thor asked another question. He walked over to Thor. Thor was resisting the urge to either yell or spit at the man. He couldn’t do much, considering his condition, at this exact moment. When he stopped in front of Thor, he smirked.

“Fighting, mockery…sex…basically anything I desire.” The older man answered. Thor’s blood was now boiling and the last couple of things the man set make him feel like he wanted to vomit.


“A machine you are certainly not but nonetheless, you belong to me now and no, I can do do that for the time being. I am the Grand Master, by the way.. Any you are?” The Grand Master said to him with a smile on his face.

“I am Thor, God of Thunder, Son of Odin and the man who is going to kick your ass as soon as I get out of his contraption!!” Thor answered. Grand Master frowned.

“We may have to adjust that attitude of yours just slightly but for now, let me explain more about this and welcome you to your new home.” Grand Master said to him. Thor groaned as the chair began to move where ever the Grand Master went. Thor felt angry, grossed out and even a little embarrassed by all of this going on. He went from being a God, to being sold and now someone’s puppet (and possible sex slave) in a matter of just less than three days. Asgard now could be in shambles as far as Thor is concerned. He hated this so much. Though…he Asgard was the least of his concern at the moment. He needed to find his niece and ge her back to Strange as soon as he can.

Suddenly, the chair stopped and a wide door opened. Inside, it looked like a party was going on. Everyone in the room was in somewhat fancy attire and having fun as music played. Thor was not sure if this was just an illusion or if this man was crazier than he thought. Even crazier than Doctor Strange.

“I need to get out of here as soon as possible but…I am not leaving without Terah. I would be breaking my promise with Strange if I did not. Plus, she is family. My family. She is not my blood but she is my niece.” Thor thought to himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Loki, sitting on a couch and talking to some of the people that were next and around him. Loki noticed Thor and quickly turned away.

“Loki!” Thor shouted quietly as he could without alerting his new “owner”. Loki walked over to him quickly after realizing that ignoring Thor was not going to work.

“I am so glad to see you.” Thor whispered. Loki didn’t say anything.

“How long have you been here?” Thor asked.

“I have been here about a week.” Loki answered. Thor was so confused but he let it go. There were more important things to worry about right now. Before he could ask another question, they heard someone yelling as someone was being brought into the room.

“Unhand me, you assholes!!” The voice was feminine…and very familiar to the two Gods. Suddenly, Terah appeared in the room, with a guard holding her around the waist as she squirmed. Loki slightly panicked and wanted to say something but he knew he could not. He did not care about what would happen to him but for his daughter’s sake, it had to keep his mouth shut, even though, he did not want to. When the guard out her down, Terah stood there, feeling embarrassed as she covered her chest (which was revealing more cleavage than she was comfortable with). Grand Master saw her, stopped the music and walked over to her. Terah did not look at him until he put his index and middle finger underneath her chin then moved her head up so he could look at her face. Terah was slightly trembling. Loki could feel it. The Grand Master smiled. Terah wanted to vomit, just like Thor.

“My, my, my. You’re quite exquisite. Like a beautiful work of art.” The Grand Master.

“And you look like a piece of dog shit with blue makeup on your face and fake ass tan, just like your personality.” Terah said back to him. Gasps could be heard through the out the entire room. Even Loki silently gasped but secretly was internally chuckling to himself it what he did not expect was the Grand Master’s reacts to her comment. The Grand Master let out a chuckle.

“You have quite a mouth on you. Maybe we can out it to good use sometime.” The Grand Master said to her then raised one of his eyebrows. Terah suddenly grabbed him and twisted him and slammed him against the wall (facing forward).

“Choose your next words carefully because next time…you’ll be lucky to be able to walk after and you definitely will not have a dick..” Terah said. He looked at her.

“Is that a threat or promise?” The Grand Master asked her then blew her a kiss. Loki was now getting angry. Loki was not type of Father who was going to tell his daughter who to be with (because he already knows who she has her heart set on) but…he was NOT going to let this creep even think about her, let alone flirt and make sexual advances towards. Not today and not ever. Terah made a “bleck” sound.

“You disgust me, you old fart.” Terah said to him.

“You’ll get used to future bride.” The Grand Master said to her. Terah let go of the Gramd Master in shock and Loki was ready to stab this motherfucker in the face.

“BRIDE?! You…you can’t be serious about that.” Terah piped up. The Grand Master turned around and smiled at her.

“Yes, my sweet Terah.I am actually serious. I plan on making you my queen. You never have to lift a finger and you have anything you want right at your fingertips.” The Grand Master. Terah began to freak out. Loki was not going to let him scare her.

“And what if I refuse?” Terah asked, trying to keep calm.

“Then you will have to fight my champion.” The Grand Master. Thor realized now why he was brought here and why he was bought. Thor suddenly had an idea.

“Leave her alone.” Thor piped up. Everyone turned to look at him, including Terah, who did not know he was watching the entire time.

“Excuse me?” The Grand Master asked, feeling a bit peeved that Thor interrupted .him as he was talking to his “future bride”. Thor gulped but he had no other choice at the moment but he was willing to do this to protect her at all costs.

“She doesn’t have to marry you but please do not make her fight this “champion” you are speaking of…please.” Thor explained. Loki looked at Thor in shock.

“Why?” The Grand Master asked him.

“Because I’ll fight him…for her. There is no need to make her do something either way that she doesn’t have to do because you want to be an asshole when someone refuses you.” Thor said to him. Everyone’s’ widened.

“Holy shit.” Loki said to himself. The Grand Master sighed.

“Well, she has not exactly given me a definite answer but if you are willing to sacrifice yourself for her,for when the time comes…then so be it. Though…you will be fighting them anyway. But…why would you do this for someone you do not know?” The Grand Master. He did have a point. Thor barely knew anything about her but yet…he did not want to her like this nor be in this situation. Plus..just like Loki, he knew that her heart is for Strange and Strange was madly in love with her as well but did not fully come out with it. There was no question or doubt about that in his mind.

“Because even though I can be an ass at times…I am not going to let someone suffer or be forced. Not on my watch. Regardless of their gender so do not think I am doing this because she is a woman. No, I am doing this because she deserves better than you. MUCH better.” Thor answered. Loki could not believe it. Thor was willing to risk his life, if that is what it takes, to keep Terah safe and free from the Grand Master and their arranged and surprise “engagement”. Terah rushed over Thor and hugged him.

“Thank you.” Terah whispered to him. Thor smiled.

“You’re welcome.” Thor whispered back.

“Wait…do you actually know her?” The Grand Master asked him, now curious. Thor and Terah looked up at him.

“I…I…” Terah started to speak but Thor stopped her.

“You do not need to tell him anything. You are not at fault here for any of this.” Thor said to her then looked at Grand Master.

“Yes, I do know her and no, I do not have to explain how I know her. Especially to you, whether you “own” me or not.” Thor said to him. Now…the Grand Master was pissed off. Not at Terah, but at the man who he just purchased it he did not purchase him to be his friend so regardless, he knew it was not worth stressing but…he was going to have his revenge. Then…he noticed Loki looking at her.

“Do you know her?” The Grand Master asked Loki. Loki looked at him. Terah looked at him. They both have discovered that they read each other’s’ minds and accurately as well. Loki took a deep breath.

“I do.” Loki replied. Thor looked at Loki but Terah told him that it was okay.

“And what is she to you? Acquaintance, friend…lover?” The Grand Master with some disgust in his tone when he said “lover”. Loki was wanting to answer lover, just to mess with him but he knew it was not a good idea…for neither him or Terah. But at the same time…he was not going to say how close or what he is to her either.

“Friend.” Loki replied. Terah felt scared but to The Grand Master, it was a sigh of relief. A few minutes later, everyone went back to partying and Terah went back to her room. Thor was let out of the chair a brought to a room. Loki left the part as well and went off to find his daughter.

Later in that night, Terah was walking around the halls of Grand Master’s home when she suddenly heard Thor’s voice. She rushed over to where it was coming from and knocked on the door.

“Thor? It’s me.” Terah said to him. The door opened automatically and she walked in then the door closed behind her. Thor was standing near the window, looking out into the night scenery. Terah felt too nervous to suddenly speak to him. The look on his face looked perplexed. Like something was on his mind. Thor looked over at her and suddenly smiled. Terah suddenly now felt too shy.

“How are you holding up?” Thor asked her, trying to break the ice. Terah blushed.

“I…I am doing okay. Still a little shaken by everything but I am okay. Though, to be honest…I am scared. I mean, I know that I can fight and such but…I did not expect any of what happened. Not only I landed up in a place on a distance planet but I found out that I have a family I never knew about. …Loki, I mean,my Father did explain to me what happened and now physically seeing it with my own eyes..I can understand why he did what he did nor I can blame him. He was doing it to protect me, not because he did not want to be a parent. I mean, yeah, he’s the God of Trickery but I truly do not think he was lying to me and he did tell me he was not. Though…has he ever told anyone about me?” Terah answered.

“I mean, Loki can be trouble but deep down, I know he is not a monster, like some people like to believe. I didn’t even know he got someone pregnant. Probably for the best no one knew, even though…I would have love to have met you when you were a baby. I do not care if Loki was adopted or not, you are my niece and even though we do not care much for each other at the moment…I am so glad you’re a part of my family. Also…you really know how to fight. I’m impressed. Very impressed.” Thor told her, smiling. Terah smiled back.

“Thank you. Also…you really are glad I am part of your family? I mean, Hela did not seem to excited but yet, fuck her. She’s a bitch.” Terah asked. Thor chuckled.

“Yes and one thing I love about you is your honestly and not holding back.” Thor said.

“Really?” Terah asked.

“Of course! Especially when it comes to Hela! Remember, she’s the Goddess of Death. That takes guts and bravery.” Thor answered.

“With such horrible taste in fashion. God, that outfit still haunts me.” Terah added. Thor let out a giggle snort then walked over to her and gave her a hug.

“By the way..welcome to the family, Terah. I really do mean it.” Thor said. Terah started to tear up and hugged him back. She did not know what to say. The hug lasted several seconds before they let go of each other.

“Also, please do not worry about earlier. I made a promise to Strange that I would protect you and I rather fight this champion than you having to. I mean, you are very strong fighter and I am not exactly sure if you’re powerful, which I do not doubt you are powerful but I rather be safe than sorry. And I also care about you, too. Just like your father. By the way…have you seen him since he left the party?” Thor told her and asked, curious about where Loki went.

“We had dinner and talked for a while but after that, I am not exactly sure. Maybe to his room? He did not want to leave my side because he was worried about The Grand Master trying to harm me but I told him I would be okay. I can handle and defend myself well.mI learned from the Sorcerer Supreme himself.” Terah answered.

“Strange, correct? I was not sure who exactly meant when you said the last part.” Thor asked. Terah nodded. Thor did a have a couple of questions for her about Sorcerer Supreme. Whether she wanted to answer them was up to her but he was curious.

“Terah, you do not have to answer this if you do not want but…how do you feel about Strange?” Thor asked her. Terah was not sure what he meant because it could mean a few different things for how she feels about him.

“In what way?” Terah replied. Thor gulped.

“Do you like him?” Thor asked.

“Yes. I like him very much. I mean, he a bit of arrogant at times but it’s rare in front of me but it’s not on purpose. He is very sweet and caring man. Strange has never hurt me and is always there for me…which I can’t say the same for me with him right now. …I miss him so much, Thor.” Terah said to him as she began to sniffle. Thor decided to stop questioning her about it after seeing her reaction thinking about him. Plus…he really was not any of s business unless she wanted to tell him so her telling him that was enough for him.

“I bet he misses you, too, Terah and I definitely can see he cares about you very much.” Thor said then suddenly his hands in his then put the palms of her hands against his chest. Therapy looked at Thor as he looked at her.

“Terah, you have my promise that I will make sure that you and Strange will be reunited, no matter what it takes. And even though your Father and I are not on good terms right now, which is a long story…I will make sure he makes it out of here alive and safe, too. I can tell he does truly loves you and really wants to be in your life. And so do I. We have your back and love you with all and both of our hearts. Also, we are here for you so if you need us, please do not hesitate to come to me. You have nothing to fear. ..Okay, my niece?” Thor assured her. Terah smiled.

“And you have my thanks, Uncle Thor.” Terah responded back to Thor. Thor moved his head down and leaned slightly, kissing her on the top of her forehead as a tear streamed down his cheek. To hear her called him Uncle made him happy. It felt comforting to her. A few minutes later, Terah and Thor said their goodbyes and she headed back to her room for the rest of the night to get ready for bed.

For the rest of the night, it took Thor a while to fall asleep that night. On and off, he kept thinking about a plan on how to escape from Sakkar but nothing came to mind at the moment. For now, Loki, Thor amd Terah were stuck on this dreadful and crazy planet. How long it was going to be p…that was still another mystery that Thor needed to solve but until then and until morning at least, Thor was going to need to all the sleep he could get.

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