Dallas Fan Expo 2023 Dallas Fan Expo Articles

FanExpo Dallas: A Feast for This FanGirl’s Eyes

5 min read

Most everyone agrees, Bacon makes everything better. So much so, a parlor game emerged “Six Degrees of Bacon,” as in Kevin Bacon. We feel FanExpo Dallas would be exponentially greater with Bacon, too.  We give you Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon with the guest stars of this year’s Fan Expo Dallas.

Fan Fiction Tom Hiddleston AU Tom Hiddleston Fan Fiction

Learning Curve – Chapter 2

11 min read

What happens when a student falls for her professor? What happens if that professor is interested in his student?

AU Tom Hiddleston X OC Fan Fiction

Teacher/Student | ​Adult Themes | Dom-Sub Relationship | Punishment

Fan Fiction Tom Hiddleston AU Tom Hiddleston Fan Fiction

Learning Curve – Chapter 1

8 min read

What happens when a student falls for her professor? What happens if that professor is interested in his student?

AU Tom Hiddleston X OC Fan Fiction

Teacher/Student | ​Adult Themes | Dom-Sub Relationship | Punishment